
So, hello! Despite writing many blog posts in my mind over this embarrassingly long absence, I never actually wrote those posts. Yeah…lame, I know! At any rate, here I am. Lots has happened since my last post which was, golly, almost exactly a year ago. Being a working mommy to three is challenging! It is great, but challenging. Also, I received a promotion at work that is very exciting, but it really has me jumping.

On top of all of that, I’ve been dealing with some health issues. Although my Crohn’s has been very calm for quite a long time, like over 15+ year, I’ve had some serious respiratory problems for the last five years. After bouncing from doctor to doctor, I am finally seeing some doctors who are trying to get to the bottom of it. Guess what they have found? It looks like Crohn’s disease in my lungs. Yes, you heard me right. I had no idea that was possible.

So, those are my excuses for not staying in touch with this blog. But, I’m back and hope to be better about it. I really like Ostomy Chic and appreciate knowing that there are some people out there interested in the same things as me!

One thing I have done over the past year was pin items I think are “ostomy friendly” on Pinterest. I should say that these are items that I think would work on me. I’m not trying to be prescriptive or anything! Just thought it would be fun to track items in this way. Feel free to visit my Pinterest boards if you are interested.

Ok, bye for now, my fellow friends in the blogosphere! See you soon, I hope.

2 responses to “Update

  1. Hello 🙂 It’s so good to hear from you! I’m glad the little ones are doing well and congratulations on your promotion. I’m very sorry to hear about your Crohn’s; I hope that, now that they’re finally getting to the bottom of it, they can do something to help. I’m thinking of you.

    I’ve followed your board on Pinterest. I’ve recently started using it myself and have found it somewhat addictive… I haven’t thought of using it to share ostomy related tips/items, though; that’s a great idea. I’ll have to start pinning!


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